Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Works-For-Me-Wednesday: Books for Cheap

Although you can get some really great deals on books from and, try the next time to save some serious money.

What's the catch? The books are usually being sold by private owners. Sometimes they are a little worn or have underlining in them, but the descriptions point that out clearly. However, most of the time the books are brand new. I have always been very pleased with the books I've bought.

For example, I talked about the book "How to Be a God Chaser & a Kid Chaser" by Tommy & Thetus Tenney here. This book lists for $10.19 on Amazon. On, I can get it for $.75. That's a 93% discount.

You can also buy music, videos, movies and game systems through So, with the holidays upon us, is a great place to save a little money while getting the hottest gifts.

For more great tips, visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.


Megan said...

Have you heard of It's such a great book resource - for every book you send someone you get a book credit to choose one book from any person in the system. The only thing you pay is media mail shipping for the book you send.

I've got a whole wish list of books I want that aren't in the system already and when someone posts that book I get an email saying it's there.

I LOVE paperbackswap!!

Pieces said...

Thanks for the tip. I'll have to give it a try.