Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What Are You Waiting For?

I'm not seeing many people reporting here that you voted today!! I hope that just means you are waiting until this evening to go to the polls. Don't make me come and drive you myself. C'mon, go vote. I'll wait right here for you. Then, come back here and let me know you excercised one of our greatest freedoms we have as Americans.

Now, while all those people go to the polls and vote, I'll tell you about my experience. Well, actually there's not much to write. There was absolutely no one there, so we walked right in and voted. The kids were perfectly behaved. What more can I ask for?

However, in all my years of voting I have never had the opportunity to use an electronic voting system. I've only ever pulled levers and colored in circles. So I was very pleasantly surprised to see an entire bank of electronic voting booths set up in my precinct this year. There was even this great guy who gave each voter a quick lesson on how to use this new fangled voting machine. It was quick, painless and I was done in probably one minute--tops.

But what made me chuckle was that all the poll workers were in their 60s, 70s, and maybe even 80s. The guy explaining the voting machine looked to be in his mid-20s. Maybe late 20s on a good day.

Well, I'm going to run over here and see if any of those people are back from the polls yet. I know this isn't a scientific exit poll, but when MSNBC or CNN or CBS report some type voting irregularity this evening, I want to be able to e-mail them and let them know that all of my friends, family and neighbors were indeed at the polls today!

**For those of you who keep telling me you can't leave a comment because you aren't a blogger, simply sign in as Anonymous.

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