Community Connectors in April
We will be sewing rag quilts for Harrisburg Hospitals NICU. Please bring your supplies and a sewing machine if possible (we will have a few extra machines available if you don't have one or need one). If you have never sewn or maybe it's been a few years we will have experienced sewers on hand to teach you. :) This is a great quilt to learn how to sew because it makes for awesome gift ideas.
1) Go to your local fabric store (Walmart does carry a great selection of fabrics cheap too) and choose 3 different but coordinating flannel fabrics.
It can be for a boy or girl. Mix and match colors with patterns. Please remember to look for flannel. Ask a sales associate if you need help finding it. Flannel is a wonderful cotton material soft & gentle enough for preemies or newborns.
2)Purchase 1 yard of each fabric.
3) You will then need to purchase batting. Batting is the fabric that is sandwiched in between outside fabric and gives the quilt stability and fluffiness. Warm & Natural is what I highly recommend. It can be found at Walmart for a great price and is a wonderfully soft and natural batting. Please no Synthetic batting material.
Purchase a 1/2 of a yard.
4)Your last item will need to be thread. Look for a Machine Quilting thread in a great contrast or matching color. Examples of how I like to match my thread are displayed in the picture to the left. Contrasting thread really adds to the quilt. Just look for the colors in your fabric for help in choosing the thread. I would recommend picking up two spools just to be safe.
Sorry for the confusion but the following information is for knitting & crocheting. :)
If you are not interested in sewing we are continuing to Knit and crochet baby blankets. Afghans or blankets need to be at least 24" x 24" or the largest size being 36" x 36". Yarn must be a very soft acrylic so the sensitive skin of a preemie or newborn will not be irritated. For specific patterns leave me a comment and I will email you the directions.
Also we added the option of a No Sew Fleece blanket. You can purchase two yards of fleece that will then be cut into a square and tied together.*Walmart also had some great prices on fleece.
Please come out and join us April 7th at 9am at Christ Community Church for a great time of fellowship and learning. Again if you have never tried any of these crafts before we encourage you to come out and learn from the other women in the group. Free childcare is provided please contact the church at 717-761-2933 to sign-up for childcare in advance. Any other questions please leave a comment and I will contact you directly.***Please let me know if this was helpful for future Community Connector projects. Thanks!
Scarlett wil be sewing. I'm still working on knitting. What are the qualifications for a baby blanket that is knitted? I forget. Could you post them? :)
So I think I will tackle the No sew method on the 7th. If the sewing method seems easy enough I will try that next. It has been years since I have sewn anything. But hey never hurts to try. I did pick up 3 yrds of flannel just in case I decide to go that route. If not, I will give it someone else. I am so looking forward to this time. I think the instructions were helpful.
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