Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Challenge Is On

I've been lamenting lately that we're not buying any Christmas presents this year. We have too much credit card debt and I'm tired of paying for things with plastic. I figured we got a beautiful pool so the kids can survive with a few stocking stuffers and I'll make my entire extended family, teachers and neighbors toffee and caramel popcorn. I decided I wasn't even going to mail out Christmas cards with postage at 42 cents per card! Bah Humbug!

But, my husband challenged me. He had to run into his old job today to turn in some uniforms and there was some kind of Safety Bonus awaiting him in the form of a gift card. He won't tell me exactly what it is, only that he is going to give it to ME for Christmas and I'm REALLY going to like it. That got me thinking. What if I got him something that cost me nothing. Like free gifts with purchases or rewards from credit cards? Or, maybe I can barter like back in Little House in the Prairie days (except I don't have a chicken). All I can come up with so far is the loot that results from CVS Bonus Bucks and I'm not sure he'd get overly thrilled about deodorant and the CVS-brand of Preparation H. And, then, I start to think of Natalie Trying to Save a, I just won't go there.

But, it did get me thinking. I'm a bargain hunter and I have a little over 2 months to come up with something. I'm open for suggestions. Besides from CVS.

1 comment:

Hands-Free Heart said...

Would he like a king size waterbed? We have one to give away.