Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Lego Church

It took about a year and a half of planning, building and photographing to make this Lego church. More than 75,000 Legos were used to make this 7 foot by 5 1/2 foot by 30 inches building.

In case you're wondering...It seats 1,372 Lego people and has 3,976 windows. It features a balcony, a Narthex, stairs to the balcony, restrooms, coat rooms, several mosaics, a baptistery, an altar, a crucifix, a pulpit and an elaborate pipe organ.

1 comment:

Livin' Life said...

Well that beats any Lego set I had to build with my kids after Christmas. I guess I shouldn't complain about how many pieces were in their boxes.