This may seem really simple, and it is, but it is also really effective at keeping household clutter under control. Every evening before bed our entire family works together to put away that day's clutter. This includes making sure all toys, clothes, dishes, mail, and papers are put back in their place. This way the next day we only have to deal with that day's clutter, not the clutter from the day before and the day before that etc. Again, simple idea but it has worked for me.
If you want to see more great ideas, go over to
Shannon's place, she is the host of WFMW and the creator of Rocks In My Dryer.
tag: Works for Me Wednesday
Works for Me
Ah, commitment in action. Love it. Pam
Since we started doing this, it has helped tremendously. And isn't it nice to wake up to a semi-tidy house?
I so need to condition our family to do this...or at least my husband and myself!
I posted my first WFMW. Stop by and take a peek. :)
I don't know how I missed this one last week. It is a great idea. I have actually been trying it this summer and it makes the mornings so much more pleasant. You have inspired me to go at it with a greater commitment!
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