Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Confessions of a Cleaning Overachiever

I love to clean. I know you don’t hear those words every day. But I really do enjoy cleaning my house.

I get this sickness honestly. I come from a long line of cleaning overachievers. My grandmother and mother both cherish a well-kept house more than life itself.

My grandmother’s claim to fame is her ability to clear the table and start washing dishes while everyone is still eating. You have to keep your hands and eyes on your place setting and food at all times because if you look away she will snatch it and start scrubbing it before you can say, ‘please pass the salt.’

My mom has a keen eye for glass. She can spot a smudge on a window or mirror a mile away. Once spotted, the world ceases to spin until the handprint, nose print or paw print is removed.

For me, cleaning is more therapeutic. If I’m stressed out or having a bad day I’ll grab a dust rag and bottle of Windex and go to town. There is something about order and sparkling glass that seems to put everything in my life back into perspective.

Often, when my house is a mess my mind is a mess. But give me a clean house and I feel like I can conquer the world.

Spring cleaning is like the super bowl for confessed clean freaks. It’s the time of year when we can go crazy cleaning every nook and cranny of our house and no one thinks we’re actually crazy.

Now with three kids, spring cleaning, well actually any cleaning, has been scaled back a bit this year. I just now am finally getting a handle on it. (Thanks Mom for helping me). But there is still nothing that brings me more joy than a clean house. And what is good for my house I’ve found is also good for my state of mind. So, yes, I’m a cleaning overachiever…. and I love it!

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