Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Betcha Can't Beat My "Nerd" Score

I am nerdier than 4% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I saw this test on several blogs yesterday and everybody is jumping on board to prove that they are not as nerdy as everybody else! I have a hard time believing my score is completely accurate because I sure did feel like a nerd in high school despite my best attempts at being cool. However, since becoming a mom I have spent considerable time with many younger and hipper friends like Stephanie, Becky, Melissa, Sara, Becky and Lori-Ann. So, maybe their coolness has actually rubbed off and there is hope for me after all.

Well, take the test and find out for yourself just how nerdy you are!

tag: Fun


Anonymous said...


OK, I took the test even though I knew I wouldn't beat your score. I really thought I'd be at least "slightly a nerd", but I came out at 18 - "Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either." Surprising, considering I have a math degree! I'm relieved to know that you don't despise me (since I'm not a nerd)!

Anonymous said...


You and I had the exact same score... maybe this is the test they used to pick roommates at College and that's why we wound up together (ok.. I know it was totally God doing that). Glad to see I'm as cool (or just as nerdy?!) as you. Love ya!

Beth M.

This Journey of Mine said...

My dear Natalie,

Your "younger, hipper friend," here scored a 19 on the nerd test! A 19!!!! I would not have classified myself in a the category of "not nerdy, but the again maybe not that cool either!" Ugghh.... this does wonders for the self image thing I am working on! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like I am in good company on the "not a nerd, but ya ain't hip either" level. I guess I have nerd envy though because I want to learn what the elements are on that there periodic table thing-a-ma-gig.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I never expected to get a score of 2 "Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool". After taking the quiz, I just feel stupid because I have no idea who those people were in the pictures, I don't know anything about computers, and I don't know much about the periodic table anymore!! Emily

Natalie said...

Well, I knew there was a nerd somewhere among us and that nerd lives in my house. Yes, the HOH scored a 34! And here I thought he was cool all these years.

Anonymous said...

I beat that score! Yup, a 37. I know very little about computers but I think it is because of the fact that I knew Mn is manganese. I always said I was a science geek. NC