Basically, Etsy is an online marketplace for buying all things handmade. Since launching in 2005, they have over 100,000 sellers from around the world. Each seller has a "store" that showcases all of their wares. Some stores have just a few items while others have several hundred. And if you like the item, but don't see it in the size, color or fabric you like, you can usually just contact the seller and they'll custom make it for you.
Now I know when I hear the word handmade a whole host of images come to mind...none of them particularly flattering. But Etsy brings the best of the best together to provide unique, well made and perfectly priced items in just about every category you can think of.
I will admit some items are a bit off the beaten path...
like this set of 5 clothespins that are 3 inches long, decoupaged with beautiful paper on both sides.
But then how could you resist this mouth watering assortment of 6 delicious muffins that comes complete with a 6 mini-muffin pan.These baked goods are perfect for imaginative play and are just the right size for a child's hand or play plate.
I've got my eye on these lovely little set of six notecards is made using vintage wallpaper with bright flowers.
The “Dip Gift Box” is a gift of entertaining to the ones you love or for yourself. Gotta bring a dish to the office or a cookout? These individually laminated recipe cards offer 20 different recipes. The “Dip Gift Box” includes recipes appropriate for all occasions from the black tie cocktail party to the Superbowl Party. Great gift for newlyweds, mothers, sisters, girlfriends, co-workers, or anyone who likes to entertain!
These are just a very, very, very few of the items you'll find on Etsy. I bought a Christmas gift on Etsy and was thrilled with the customer service, price and personal touch.
I Heart Etsy!!! I myself have just recently discovered them and now they are bookmarked on my computer at home!
I'm just getting into Etsy as well. However, one of my friends down here started her own boutique on it too. Check it out here
You can see one of the products was made for my son - a great birthday present he recieved!
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