Thursday, August 09, 2007

Does Birth Order Hold True in Your Family?

First born: A Scholar

Second born: An Athlete

Third born: A Game-show host

Fourth born: A Salesman


Melissa said...

I can't vouch for #4, but you are right on with the first 3!!

Kelli said...

I think in my family, one and two were switched. I know this because I actually read a book while my older brother ran a marathon.

Anonymous said...

With my own kids, it seems very possible. :)

With the family I grew up in, though, I'd say, First born (me): lazish scholar, Second born (sis): more ardent scholar, Third born (bro): competing scholar, athlete, Fourth born (bro): Could be a salesman but instead has a Psy.D. (doctorate of psychology) and counsels in a juvenile detention center--trying to sell living right.

Emily said...

Absolutely not!

My older sister is definitely not a scholar. And I am the second born, and I am DEFINITELY NOT an athlete!