Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm a Pioneer Woman

Okay, I'm not really a Pioneer Woman although I think I've seen every episode of Little House on the Prairie---four times over. Does that count? But every single day I log onto my bloglines and go to one of my all-time favorite blogs: Confessions of a Pioneer Woman.

I have absolutely no recollection of how I found this blog six months ago, but it is truly a treasure. Ree is a mom of four "punks," as she likes to call her kids, and wife to her Marlboro Man. They live in either Texas or Oklahoma (she's elusive about that fact) on a very large ranch that has been in Marlboro Man's family for many years.

Each day her blog chronicles the workings of this ranch from cattle drives to repairing fences to long rides with their horses. What? That doesn't sound riveting? Here's the catch: Ree is orginally a city gal from L.A. and didn't know one end of a cow from the other when her Marlboro Man whisked her to the country.

Okay, so you're still not sold on posts about cow droppings and brandings. Then you need to check Pioneer Woman out for her pictures. Just a year ago Ree took up photography and, WOW, her photos are incredible. INCREDIBLE.

She's a funny and fabulous writer, and a wonderful cook, and I know you'll become as much of a fan of Pioneer Woman as I have. I shared this fabulous find with Say Anything a while ago and she is also an avid fan. In fact, Say Anything has become a Pioneer Woman groupie...but you'll have to visit to see for yourself what I'm talking about.

*Because I usually recommend blogs that are family friendly, I do want to say that Pioneer Woman may use the occasional swear word.

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