Friday, June 22, 2007

Bathing Suits are the New Needle in the Hay Stack

We've been on the search for a new bathing suit for Sparkle this month. My goodness, you'd think we were looking for the proverbial needle in the hay stack. Here's a list of the stores we've been to: T.J. Maxx, Marshall's, Limited Too, JC Penney, Old Navy, Gap Kids, Gymboree, Disney Store, Children's Place, Sears, Macy's, Kohls, Hanna Anderson and Gabriels. Fourteen stores and still no bathing suit.

Toddler girl suits are plentiful and cute. However, once they hit "Girl" status, the choices for a 7-year-old are appalling at best. I've been trying to steer her toward one-piece suits but they are few and far between and when we do find one, she complains it is ugly. She's right, it usually is. The racks are filled with string bikinis. For little girls.

Our other problem is that she has a long torso and for a one-piece suit she really needs a bathing suit made for long torsos so that it will fit properly. Luckily for me, long torso suits are plentiful for women; I've yet to find a long torso suit for a little girl. So we've started looking at tankinis to eliminate that problem, and although that gives us a little more to work with it still has been hard to find an appropriate suit.

I told her that we'd go out shopping again on Saturday and hit some stores on the east shore; if that doesn't yield a suit, I'll probably just order something off Lands End. I really thought Lands End made long torso suits for girls but I can't seem to find any on their web site. I also was trying to avoid paying $25 plus shipping for a 7-year-old's bathing suit.

I'm guessing this is just my introduction into the "Girls" department and its only going to get worse as she gets older. If you have a girl that wears a size 7 or larger, where do you shop for age-appropriate clothing?


The Gang's Momma! said...

I feel your pain! We're right in the middle of that stage ourselves. Although pretty petite/short for an 8 year-old, LadyBug is built like a gymnast, with a long torso and short legs. But she has a long butt too, so shopping was excruciating this year.

We did finally luck out at Kohl's, but did it early in the season. And even then, when modesty is the goal, shopping is very challenging! Incidentally, shopping for shorts was hard also. So much skin, so few options!

Promises said...

My next door nieghbor had the same problem - her daughter is around 10 or 11, I think. Finally they found something, but I don't remember where, and they are on vacation this week. I hope that you are able to find something suitable this weekend!

Melissa said...

I don't mean to frighten you, but it becomes one zillion times worse when they move into the Juniors department. Thankfully, Bermuda shorts are popular this year, but the shirts are all so low cut #1 has to wear a tank top under them (or she raids my closet for some baggy old lady clothes).

For girls, I like Sears and Kohls although, thank the Good Lord my family still has plenty of swimsuits from last year that still fit. Costco always has 1 piece Speedo suits for girls around $11 (no frills). I wish I could help you, but I will tell you this...get them now before they are completely non-existant as Back-to-School stuff is hitting the shelves this week!

Kelli said...

I would love to tell you that it will get better, but I have to agree with Melissa: unfortuantely, it just gets worse. Is there any Mommy that has the talent to sew some modest stylish clothes that aren't so expensive that I can't afford them? If I could make her clothes, I would.

We shop a lot at the Osh Kosh outlet in Hershey and the Children's Place. Sometimes I'll be able to find something good in Target. For swimsuits, we usually go Disney. My Brother Bear likes to get Scarlett swimsuits there. You may find something cute at the Disney Store and now, who knows, it may be on clearance. :) What size is she? Perhaps Scarlett has one that will fit her.