I almost forgot that it's Work-for-me-Wednesday! I hope this tip is better late than never. January is always the month most of us get the bug to purge and organize our homes. Here's what I do to try and tame the mountain of paperwork that seems to accumulate.
I have stackable trays on my desk that are each labeled: Action, Read, File, and Misc. My husband also has a set of the same trays. As mail and paperwork comes into our home, I can put the items into the proper tray and we then know which items need immediate attention and which items don't. If we are traveling or have a free evening, we usually grab what's in our Read file and catch up on magazines or letters. I let the file tray accumulate until I can't put another item in it and then I file it all at once.
This system has worked many years for us and really helps us keep a handle on the mail and papers that find their way into our house.
And that works for me! Visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer for more great tips.
Good tip! Thanks for sharing!
that is a great tip and something that I need to do - thanks!
Thanks for this - I need to get better about my papers. They get out of hand so quickly around here!
Great tip, I definitely have to apply this system ASAP. Thanks for sharing! =)
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