I finally got smart and started to do searches on the companies I was buying from to see if I could find free shipping offers. For example, if you are interested in buying something from Overstock.com, simply do a search on "overstock.com coupon codes." You'll find a number of sites that are dedicated to collecting all the online deals in one place. For this particular search, I was directed to: www.dealcatcher.com, www.couponcabin.com, www.flamingoworld.com, and www.keycode.com among many other sites.
The great thing about these sites is that they have one day deals or special offers that would be difficult to find on your own. Plus, they supply all those special codes you need to take advantage of things like free shipping.
And that Works-for-Me! For more great tips and ideas, visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.
dI do this as well! It makes my day when I find a free shipping coupon code! I get quite giddy about it! ;)
A lot of times, companies will offer free shipping just to get you to buy from them. Amazon and Lands End are both places I got free shipping this month. You don't get it overnight for free but if you're willing to wait a week or so, no shipping!! that totaly works for me.
Thanks for the tip on the other websites with coupons.
What a great idea. I love to shop online and this will help.
Brilliant idea that I would never have thought of! Thanks for sharing =) Happy Holidays!
I do this too! Love to get a good deal. www.currentcodes.com is a great place to get promotion/coupon codes for online shopping too.
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