Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Curiously Delicious

I like Altoids but have always found them to be a little too "curiously strong" for my liking. But as I stood in a checkout line recently, I jumped at the chance to buy two tins of the new Dark Chocolate Covered Altoids. Just released, these Altoids combine the great taste of dark chocolate with the classic Altoids Peppermint. It is an amazing combination and the dark chocolate seems to diffuse the peppermint from "curiously strong" to "curiously perfect." At first glance, they look like a Junior Mint and they taste sooooo good you won't be able to eat just one. They are addictive.

I LOVE dark chocolate and this new candy does not disappoint. It's a delicious treat and it freshens your breath too! Would make a great stocking stuffer...

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