Thursday, July 27, 2006

Clean Films Update

On this post I recommended a Web site called Clean Films. They rent movies that have been edited for objectional content. Well, I just got an email from the president of Clean Films announcing that they are going out of business August 31. Here is a short excerpt from that letter:

"After three long years of legal struggles, a judge in Colorado has ruled that we cannot sell or rent edited DVDs anymore. While we thought very strongly about appealing the decision, the potential costs and risks to the company, its customers and shareholders was just too great. Accordingly, we have agreed to close our doors after a brief winding-up period."

Although there are several other sites that provide the same service, it sounds like this judgment may affect all similar companies. Well, it was a great idea. Sorry that it didn't fly!

However, before they close they are selling all their videos and DVDs. You might want to check out their site for any deals on your favorite movies.

tag: Media

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